ConSASS Audit
Number of companies who have benefited from our independent auditing services
Simple, fast auditing with ConSASS
The Construction Safety Audit Scoring System (ConSASS) is an audit tool which provides an independent assessment of the safety and health management system at a worksite.
From 1 Aug 2011, all construction worksites with a contract sum of S$30 million or more are required to have their mandatory SHMS audits conducted based on the ConSASS audit checklist.
ConSASS provides a profile of the development status and maturity level of each component of a worksite’s safety and health management system. This helps company management to better allocate resources in order to elevate standards and improve the effectiveness of managing a worksite’s safety and health risks. As an assessment tool, ConSASS can be used for cross-comparison between worksites in relation to their effectiveness in managing workplace safety and health risks.
Benefits of ConSASS for Construction Companies

The ConSASS audit brings a wealth of benefits to construction companies – it allows quick and easy visualisation of the development status of different components in the safety and health management system, and also allows cross-comparison of worksites’ effectiveness in managing safety and health risks, assisting in resource allocation to improve the sites’ safety and health management system. On top of that, it can act as a source of motivation to strive for improvement in managing safety and health risks at the workplace.
How can CCIS help you with the ConSASS Audit?
CCIS has a very strong team of experienced auditors that will value-add to your company’s system. You can expect impressive audits from us as we truly believe in helping our clients identify the gaps and needs of their company. If you’re a construction company that wants to know more about the auditing system and how to take advantage of ConSASS, contact us today for a no-obligation quote!