1.5 Days Internal Auditor Training for ISO 9001:2015 & 14001:2015 (Quality Management Systems & Environmental Management Systems)
Course Objectives
- Understand the changes and new requirements for ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 14001:2015
- Acquire the fundamental knowledge and skills to conduct an internal audit
- How to perform an internal audit based on ISO 19011:2018 requirements
Target Audience
- Management Representative (MR)
- Middle Managers
- Functional Heads
- Quality Practitioners
- Designated Internal Auditors for the Company
Course Content
Day 1: Module 1 (0900-1300) – ISO 19011:2018
- Introduction and Ice Breaker
- Overview of Course Outline
- Terms and Definitions Used in an Audit
- Principles of an Audit
- Managing an Audit Programme
- Workflow on Conducting an Audit
- Audit Strategy (Practical Tips)
- Syndicate Exercise: Non-Conformance & Issues
Day 1: Module 2 (1400-1800) – ISO 9001:2015
- Milestone and Timeline of ISO 9001
- Generic changes in ISO 9001:2015
- Specific changes in ISO 9001:2015
- Syndicate Test & Exercise – Audit Checklist Preparation
- MCQ Test – Concepts & Requirements
- Case Studies Test (Spotting Non-conformance)
Day 2: Module 3 (1400-1800) – ISO 14001:2015
- Milestone and timeline of ISO 14001
- Generic changes in ISO 14001:2015
- Specific changes in ISO 14001:2015
- Syndicate Test & Exercise – Audit Checklist Preparation
- MCQ Test – Concepts & Requirements
- Case Studies Test (Spotting Non-conformance)

Course Fee
w/o GST
w/ GST