ConSASS Audit Practical Learning Workshop
SDU Points
Look no further as CCIS presents a 2-day hands on practical workshop on ConSASS!
Learn about the newly revised ConSASS audit checklist revised Year 2020. This hands-on class is structured in an interactive way – The trainer will go through the key elements in the audit checklist with the participants. Participants will also perform a gap analysis on their own organisation’s documents and procedures to better equip themselves with the know-how’s.
Learn how to score well – This hands on class is structured in an interactive way as the trainer will go through each element in the audit checklist with the participants. Participants will also be performing gap analysis on their own organisation’s documents and procedures to better equip themselves with the know-how’s.
Target Audience
- WSH Officers and Coordinators
- Project Managers and Engineers
- Companies interested in participating in safety awards e.g. WSH Performance Award (WSHPA) or Safety and Health Award Recognition for Projects (SHARP)
Course Content
Day 1
- Introduction to revised ConSASS 2020
- Understanding the new banding system
- Audit Methodology
- Key changes
- Practical Workshop
- Requirements 1 to 9
- WSH Policy
- Organisational roles, responsibilities and authorities
- Actions to address risk, opportunities, legal & other requirements
- WSH Objectives & Planning to achieve them
- Resources
- Competence
- Awareness
- Communication
- Documented information
- Q&A
Day 2
- Recap of Day 1
- Practical WorkshopRequirements 10 to 20
- Operational planning & control
- Safety controls
- Health and wellness controls
- Contractor Management & Procurement
- Emergency preparedness
- System monitoring, performance and compliance evaluation
- WSH inspections
- Internal audit
- Management review
- Incident, non conformity and corrective actions
- Continual improvement
- Q&A

Course Fee
Existing Clients
S$599.50/pax (w/ GST)
S$654/pax (w/ GST)